Valuable feedback
John Larsen from US wrote to Hallber-Rassy asking how well Air-Only ventilators work before he start drilling large diameter holes in his deck. Read below what Mafnus Rassy said.
From: Info
Date: June 17, 2013, 8:40:22 PDT
To: John Larsen
Subject: SV: Air Only Vents
Hello John,
Yes, I can really recommend them. We have used various types of Air Only for 8 years now and have only good to say. I have never got a single drip of water into the boat. And got lots of water over deck! First, I thought that the manufacturers claims regarding watertightness sounded too good to be true, but they are really good, the best on the market.
Hallberg-Rassy Varvs AB
Magnus Rassy
Från: John Larsen [[email protected]]
Skickat: den 17 juni 2013 16:24
Till: Info
Ämne: Air Only Vents
Greetings from Seattle. I have a referral question for you regarding Air Only Ventilators. I’ve seen photos of some of your vessels with them installed and would like to know if you/owners are happy with them. I have a Westsail 42 that I’m considering installing 7 Air Only Vents on and would like to know how well they work before I start drilling large diameter holes in my deck!
Thanks so much for your time. I’ve cruised/delivered a HR 50′ down the coast and it’s a great boat.
Regards, John Larsen
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